Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Vegie update

Just a quick photo update of how our vegies are looking - delicious don't you think!
Green goodness growing fast

Monday, 12 September 2011

Our Mural Takes Shape

After lots of hard work from the Enviro Agents our mural beside Vegie Heaven (our school vegetable garden) is taking shape.  As you can see it looks great - and hopefully it will help our vegies grow even bigger.

Don't the sheep just look too cute

Enviro Agents Sita and Pyper are proud of their work

Thursday, 8 September 2011

McCain School Veggie Patch Competition

Mr. Barnsdall, our school caretaker, has entered our school into the McCain School Veggie Patch Competition. If you use any McCain frozen vegetables, or Purely Potatoes, we would very much appreciate you sending the bar codes from these products packaging along to school with your child/children. There will be a collection point in each class room from which Mr. Barnsdall will collect the bar codes on a weekly basis and we have a chart in reception that will show classroom progress. The bar codes are then sent back to McCain Head Office and are redeemable for garden purchases from Mitre 10:
35 points = veggie seeds
35 points = plant identifiers
75 points = hessian bags to grow potatoes
150 points = organic compost
175 points = fertiliser
90 points = sheep pellets
900 points = digging essential set (includes hoe & spade)
555 points = mini patch kits
1485 points = veggie patch starter pack kits- every thing we need to build our veggie patch

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Potato Planting

Today we planted potatoes in Vegie Heaven. Everyone got involved and got their hands dirty.   Will they be ready in time for Christmas?

The first one goes in

It is a real team effort

John gets digging

Daisy uses all her Muscles

Monday, 5 September 2011

Wanted: Hay!

We would love some HAY to use in our vegie garden.  If anyone knows someone who can provide free hay, it would be much appreciated.

Spud in a Bucket

We will be organising our “Spud in a Bucket” competition again later this term – so start hunting out those old buckets with holes in the bottom of them. We will be again asking for a gold coin donation to put towards the cost of the seed potato. Further details will be sent home soon.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Wanted: Crushed Shells

A request, we would like to put a crushed shell path around our veggie garden and would be very grateful for any donations of shells that you might pick up when you’re at the beach. Bring them to school and give them to Rod, our caretaker.

Wanted: Crushed Shells

The Orchard - Vegie Heaven

Our School has begun to create an Orchard beside the school vegie garden.  We can't wait until the trees grow enough for us to enjoy eating the fruit.
The beginnings of our school orchard

We’d like to thank Mrs Avis Leeson who donated a very healthy plum tree to add to our orchard.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Paper for Trees

We’d like to thank Paper4trees who supplied us with the new plants in our garden by the entrance to our school and several fruit trees for our emerging orchard. The trees represent the total weight of paper we have recycled in the last year.  The trees were funded by the Lion Foundation, Rent-a Dent and Design Mobel.

Our entrance will be really enhanced when the plants grow bigger

Plants funding by Paper for Trees